In fact, as hard as it was to admit, I was very jealous of the relationship they had, my mother had wanted no part of me. We parked in the large lot next to the church, then walked up the stairs finally sitting in the middle of the large facility.
Within minutes it was obvious, several people had recognized me, I saw several people whispering and pointing. After about an hour and five minute service, the pastor dismissed everyone, the crowd slowly made it’s way through the double doors. The pastor had situated himself at the door of the church, so he could greet the congregation as they exited the church. Both Alexis and I were following her mother through the doors, the pastor greeted her with a smile.
"Good morning Mai, how are you today ?", he asked with a smile and a soft handshake.
"Father, do you remember my daughter Alexis ?", she asked.
"Oh my, she was barely a teenager when I last saw her, what a beautiful young woman you have become.", he told Alexis, shaking her hand as well.
"Thank you Father, this is my friend Brian Stevens, we are in town visiting my mother.", she answered, introducing me.
The pastor looked up at me, he was a relatively short man, a bit over weight. He extended his hand to mine, then looked up at me.
"You’re not the Brian Stevens who plays for San Diego are you ?", he asked.
"Yes sir, I am.", I answered.
"Oh my goodness, what a pleasure it is to meet you. You had an incredible game in the Superbowl, I’m a huge fan.", he responded.
"Thank you Father.", I replied.
As we walked towards my car in the parking lot, I couldn’t help but notice Alexis’ mother, walking hand in hand with her daughter. Even though a few hours distanced them on a daily basis, they were very close. Before I could get in the car, several people came over asking for an autograph. Josh had told me once, I think it was on the first day of training camp, even though it can be tedious at times, people following you asking for an autograph or picture, one day they will stop. And as hard as it is to believe, you will miss the attention, so enjoy it now. I signed several articles including the church bulletin, which was a first for me.
We made our way back to Alexis’ mother’s home, changed clothes and were trying to decide on what to get for lunch. Mai suggested fried chicken from the fast food chain just down the road, it didn’t matter to me. I got up to get my keys, but Mai grabbed me by the arm then told me to stay, Alexis could go get the food. I could tell her request surprised Alexis as much as it did me.
"Mom, what are you up to ?", Alexis asked.
"Nothing, you go. I talk to Brian.", she requested, waving her hand towards the door.
I handed Alexis some money, she reluctantly headed thru the front door, looking over her shoulder. The car had no sooner left the drive, when her mother made her inrtentions known.
"Brian, you like Alexis very much, yes ?", she asked, taking my hand in hers.
"Yes ma’am, I do.", I answered.
"I know she like you too, she talk about you all the time. She tell me how wonderful you are, make her feel special all the time. For a long time she was very different, not very happy. She try to hide from me, but I know, not hard to see when your child in pain. But since she meet you, everything different.", she started.
"Something happen to her at school, she not think I know, I find out from teacher. Man hurt her very bad, but she no tell me. She very sad all the time, only study and play ball. But now you give me daughter back, I thank you.", she ended.
"She’s a very special lady, Miss Mai. She means the world to me.", I answered.
"Did you tell her that, tell her you love her ?’", she asked, squeezing my hand.
"No, not yet.", I confessed, "I am afraid that maybe she doesn’t feel the same way, or that maybe she thinks I am moving too fast.", I replied.
"You tell her very soon, yes ?", she inquired.
"Yes ma’am I will.", I promised.
We were still talking as Alexis pulled back into the driveway, her mother got up and went back to her chair. I got up, opened the door for Alexis as she brought the food inside. She looked over at her mother, then back at me.
"What have you two been up to ?", she asked.
"Nothing, just talk.", replied Mai, "Bring food into kitchen."
We followed Mai to the kitchen, the subject was closed for now. We spent several more hours with her mother, finally packing up and heading back home around three o’clock in the afternoon. We were barely on the freeway when Alexis began her interrogation.
"Ok, spill it buddy. What was that all about ?", she asked.
"All what ?", I asked, trying to be nonchalant.
"You know what. What did my mother tell you ?", she demanded.
"Oh, she just wanted to be sure I was treating you right.", I answered.
"Bullshit, tell me the truth.", she laughed.
"I am telling you the truth, she was just curious about us. Moms are like that.", I argued.
"Uh huh.", she said, I knew she wasn’t buying it.
We were back at the complex, shortly before seven o’clock, I took the luggage upstairs then went to my place to unpack. Several minutes later, Alexis knocked on the door, then walked in.
"Hey, I had a message on my machine from Jessica, she lost your number. She wants to talk to you.", she told me, handing me the number on a small piece of paper.
I dialed the number without thinking about the time change, I could tell I woke Jessica up.
"Hello.", she replied, still half asleep.
"Jess, this is Brian Stevens, I’m so sorry, I forgot about the time difference.", I apologized.
"Oh Brian, it’s ok, I’m glad you called. I wanted to give you the heads up, I will be coming back in about three months. I wanted to give you enough time to find a place.", she informed me.
"Oh, ok. Thanks Jess, I will start looking right away. I will let you know when I find something, I will try to time my move with yours if that’s ok ?", I answered.
"That would be great Brian, thanks so much.", she replied, hanging up.
I closed my phone and tossed it on the sofa, then dropped into the chair behind me.
"Well, I have to find a place to stay, she is coming back in about ninety days.", I told Alexis.
"Oh really, I thought she would be gone a lot longer.", she answered.
"I’ll call Cindy tomorrow, see if she knows any real estate people she can hook me up with.", I said.
I could see Alexis was uneasy about something, I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. I was guessing it might be that we wouldn’t be so close together anymore, this was an ideal situation. She sat down on the sofa next to me, it was like she was trying to think of something to say.
"What’s wrong Alexis ?", I asked.
"Uh…nothing, I just figured it would still be awhile before she came back.", she replied.
"Well, I knew it was coming, it’s no big deal. I have the time now to start looking around.", I offered.
"You uh….want another condo, an apartment, maybe a house ?", she inquired.
"I’m not positive, but I think I might like a house.", I told her.
We watched a bit of TV, then around nine o’clock, Alexis told me she was tired, she kissed me goodnight and went home to bed. I was sort of surprised, I was hoping we would sleep together, it had been quite a while since I had held her close. I tried not to appear too disappointed, although I’m not sure I succeeded.
The following morning, I woke up about nine o’clock, showered and dressed. I called Cindy Taylor over at PSA, asking if she knew of a realtor, I could use to find a new home. She told me she had a very good friend in the business, she would call her and give her my number. I thanked her and hung up. It was strange, this being a Monday and I had no place to go. It was less than thirty minutes later when my cell phone rang.
"Mr. Stevens, this is Amanda Mansfield, I’m with ERT Realty, Cindy Taylor asked me to give you a call. How can I help you ?", she asked.
I explained to her my situation, then listened as she went over several options. She was with one of the largest realtors in southern Californa, she had hundreds of properties listed, as well as access to thousands more. We arranged to meet at her office at two o’clock to set some parameters for the search.
I was early for my appointment, fortunately so was Ms. Mansfiled. She was an middle aged woman, impeccably dressed, extremely professional. She was the type of person who could definitely make you feel you were out of your league.
"Come in Mr. Stevens, it’s a pleasure to meet you.", she said, shaking my hand.
"Call me Brian, please.", I asked.
"Very well Brian, I’m Amanda.", she answered, sitting behind her desk.
She grabbed a huge folder from the right side of her desk, opening it and laying out several smaller folders. She explained to me that she had several directions in which we could go, condo, high end apartment, or single residence. She quickly showed me on the map which were the more desireable sections of town. I was quickly overwhelmed as I knew I would be.
"So do you have any idea on exactly what price range we are working with ?", she asked.
"I never really thought about it.", I answered.
"Well that’s going to be the key, when you know that, I can target an area.", she replied.
"I thought a lot about it, I think I would prefer a house, rather than a condo or apartment.", I offered.
"Alright, that eliminates a lot of leg work.", she responded, pushing several folders aside.
She grabbed several different folders then grabbed her keys asking me to follow her. We went out to her vehicle, a beautiful Escalade, then pulled out of the parking lot. During the next few hours, I looked at homes in Escondido, La Mesa, Pacific Beach and Oceanside. While the homes were absolutely mind boggling, so were the prices. Everything I looked at was over 3 million dollars, one exceeded four. I had no idea I was going to spend that kind of money, it was eye opening. We got back to her office around six thirty, she promised we would see more properties in a few days.
I was home watching TV when Alexis called me, it was around seven thirty. Once agin, she sounded strange, like something was bothering her, she was not her usual self. She told me she was tired, she was planning to go to bed early. What could I say, I wished her a good night’s sleep, then hung up. I was worried, something was bothering her, I made up my mind the next time we were together, I would question her about it.
Most of the following week was dull, Alexis was very busy at work, she was getting home late in the evening. On Thursday, a representative for the company who would make our Super Bowl rings, met with us, measuring the entire team and staff. We would receive our rings in three months at a special event. I got home Thursday evening, I noticed Alexis’ car was in her spot. I stopped by her unit and knocked on the door. She answered the door quickly, kissed me and let me in.
When she came back and sat down on the sofa, I was determined to get to the bottom of this.
"Alexis, please tell me what is bothering you. I promise I will do anything I can to help.", I pleaded.
She looked over at me with a weak smile, she put her hands together, then lowered her eys to her lap.
"You’re going to think I’m stupid.", she said softly.
"Alexis, I would never think you’re stupid, you know better than that.", I answered.
"Well, I wanted to……I don’t know how to ask you this. I mean, I do….I’m just not sure it’s the right thing to do.", she stammered.
"Ask me anything, I don’t mind.", I told her.
"You have to move….in a few months. I was …….wondering, if maybe… wanted to…..move in with me ?", she finally asked.
"All this is about you wanting me to move in here with you ?", I laughed.
"Please don’t make fun of me, I’m serious.", she told me.
"I’m not making fun of you Alexis, I just thought it was something worse. I was afraid of what might be bothering you, I never imagined you would ask me to move in with you.", I told her.
"Soooooo ?", she asked.
"Of course, I will move in with you. I think about you every day, every night, I can’t imagine anything I would like more.", I answered.
She jumped up and crossed the room quickly hugging me and kissing my cheek. I could see she was genuinely relieved, I’m not sure why but she was. Since I owned very little other than my clothes, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to move. Several trips back and forth, it was a done deal.
"Well, I have been looking at houses all day. If I were to buy a house, would you move in with me ?", I laughed.
"Uh…I don’t know.", she said, biting her lip.
"Wait now, why not ?", I asked, pretending to be hurt.
"Depends on what your intentions are.", she came back, a slight smile on her face.
"Well what are your intentions now, since you’re asking me to move in here ?", I shot back.
"My intentions are purely sexual.", she giggled.
"Oh I see. Well we have different intentions then, it may not work.", I told her.
Just that quickly the smile was gone, a serious look on her face. I could see I had her puzzled, which is exactly where I wanted her.
"So you don’t want to move in with me ?", she asked.
"No, I want to move in with you more than anything.", I told her.
"Then what’s the problem ?", she inquired.
"The problem is …….. I love you.", I said, softly.
I could see my words hit her like a bowling ball in the chest. Her eyes blinked rapidly several times, watering up quickly. Her mouth was slightly open, for a few seconds, she was at a loss for words.
"What did you say ?", she asked, her eyes wide and bright.
"I said, I love you. I have for quite a while now.", I stated.
She leaned over and gently pressed her lips to mine in a long , soft sensual kiss. When she was done, she pulled her lips back, just inches from mine, looked into my eyes and whispered.
"I love you too Brian."
I pulled her close to me again, once again kissing her deeply. She was an unbelievable women, I felt so lucky to be in her arms. She pulled away from me again, this time whispering in my ear.
"I want you sleep in your arms tonight, it makes me feel so safe."
"I’ll be right back.", I answered.
I walked down to my unit, grabbed some clean clothes, threw them in a bag with some personal items, then walked back to Alexis’ place.
By the time I arrived, I heard the water in the shower running. Alexis walked out of the bathroom door with just a towel wrapped around her body. She lifted her hand, summoning me over with just one finger.
"Come wash my back.", she urged softly.
I tossed the bag on the sofa then followed her into the bathroom, stripping and climbing into the shower with her. As she stood facing the hot streaming water, I moved behind her wrapping my arms around her. I leaned down kissing her neck as she tilted her head away from my lips. She placed the large bar of soap in my hand, it didn’t take me long to get the hint. I softly rubbed her body, lathering it up with the bar of soap, my hand gliding over her wet body. She turned around facing me, taking the bar of soap from my hands. Then with a tender touch, she applied the soap to my entire body, paying special attention to my cock, which was now erect in the palm of her hand. The lubrication created by the soap was wonderful, I could already feel an orgasm approaching. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers, my tongue quickly sliding into her mouth. I slid my hand between her legs, my finger easing up inside of her.
"Mmmmmmmm.", she moaned softly, my finger stroking her clit.
I pulled my lips from hers, then very slowly, I began kissing down her body, until I was on my knees. I pushed her back gently until her back was against the wall of the shower, her legs thrust slightly forward. I eased my tongue between the folds of her pussy, I could already taste her thick fluids flowing into my mouth. She reached down with both hands, coming to rest on the back of my head. The feeling was incredible, the hot steamy water soaking my head, running between her legs as my tongue greedily lapped at her pussy. I took both of my hands, extending my fingers, then softly runing all ten, up and down the front of her thighs as lightly as possible. It took just seconds before she let go, her mind no longer having control over her body.
"Oh Goddddddddddddddddd………………………", she moaned, her body shaking in ecstasy.
She held my head tightly as her hips bucked against my mouth, her pussy flooding my mouth with her liquids. She rode wave after wave of pleasure, until finally she was bent over me, my head in both of her hands.
"Oh God, wait a second…..", she panted, pushing my mouth from between her legs.
I stood up slowly in front of her, she leaned back once again on the wall of the shower. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her to me , gently kissing her lips. She reached behind her turning off the water, then the shower head. She reached over the door and grabbed the large white towel, then began to dry me off.
Soon we were in her large bed, her bodies entwined, our mouths pressed together, her hand stroking my cock. She pushed me down hard on the bed, straddling me quickly, guiding my cock to her pussy with her right hand. She lowered herself on me with one quick thrust, her eyes closing in pleasure as she felt me deep inside her womb. She leaned over me, her hands supporting her weight on the mattress.
"God, I love you Brian.", she whispered.
"I love you too.", I replied.
"I never thought I would ever trust a man as completely as I trust you. You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up, the last thing before I fall asleep. Please don’t ever let this end, I’m not sure I could go back to the woman I was before we met.", she asked.
"I will never leave you Alexis, that I promise.", I answered.
She kissed me deeply again, her tongue prying my lips apart, exploring my mouth. She began to move her hips back and forth, my cock sliding easily in and out of her warm, wet pussy. I could sense she was approaching another orgasm, I was doing my best to hold off on my own, my cock aching for release. I closed my eyes tightly, fighting off the urge, as my hand grabbed her hips firmly. She lifted her mouth from my lips, her eyes riveted to mine.
"I’m gonna cum again.", she whispered, "All over your hard cock."
"Let it go baby.", I coaxed.
She moved back and forth a few more times, then became very rigid, her second orgasm erupting from deep inside of her. Her eyes never left mine as waves of passion flowed through her body, it was almost as if I looked into her soul for several moments. She finally collapsed on my chest, panting for breath, her body still shaking. I held her gently, kissing her neck as I rubbed her back gently. She finally recovered, slowly lifting herself off of me, rolling to my left.
She moved up next to me, lowering her lips to mine for another long sensual kiss, her tongue brushing my lips. She then pulled away, her mouth inches from mine.
"I want to do something special for you, it’s just…well I have never….", she began.
"Baby, it’s ok, relax.", I whispered.
"It’s just , I feel so inadequate. I want to do a better job of making you feel good……I want to do for you what you do for me.", she said softly.
"You do, Alexis.", I answered.
She smiled weakly, then slowly moved down my body, her hand wrapping around my rock hard cock. I felt her tongue, softly swirling around the head of my cock, her warm breath on my thighs. She ran her tongue up and down my cock, her hand gently massaging my balls. She took me deep into her mouth, her tongue constantly caressing my shaft, as her mouth moved up and down slowly. I reached down and ran my fingers through her long silky black hair, gently showing my gratitude. I knew I was on the verge of cumming, I wanted to warn Alexis.
"Baby, watch it, I’m gonna cum…", I warned.
She moved her mouth off off my cock, her tongue licking the head gently, as her hand pumped me up and down. I looked down as the first load of cum erupted from my cock, coating Alexis’ tongue and lips. She continued to flick her tongue over the head of my cock as four more jets of cum were deposited all over her mouth. The sensation was absolutely incredible, as was the visual sight of this gorgeous woman with my cum all over her lips. She continued to pump my shaft, milking what was left of my cum all over her fist. I fell back exhausted, my cock still throbbing in her soft hand. She moved back up to me, laying her head on my chest, her hand still softly stroking my shrinking cock.
"God baby, that was incredible.", I whispered.
I spent every waking minute I could with Alexis over the next few weeks. It seemed every day, I fell deeper and deeper into love with this gorgeous creature. We would get up every morning at five o’clock, drive to the gym for a hour and a half workout together, then stop for coffee on the way home. She would then shower and change, leaving for work around eight thirty in the morning. I spent the day running errands, looking for a new house or working for the foundation. Alexis had just left for work on Friday morning when my cell phone rang, it was from ERT realty.
"Hi Brian, this is Amanda from ERT, how are you today ?", she asked.
"I’m fine Amanda and you ?"
"Doing well, look I have a really great opportunity that just came up, if you’re interested. One of the huge banks I work with has a property they are willing to do a short sale on. I’m getting first crack because they owe me a favor. They are going to list it in three days, unless I can close it.", she stated.
"Have you seen it yet.", I asked.
"No, I haven’t but it’s in Rancho Sante Fe, which is very exclusive. From what I was told, it has a few very minor repairs that are needed, but it’s at least five hundred thousand under the market price.", she added.
"Ok, let’s go look at it.", I replied.
"Great, I will meet you at my office in an hour. If you like this we need to jump on it.", she urged.
I met Amanda at her office, we then drove out to the property. As soon as we arrived in the area there was no doubt this was high end living. I was totally blown away as we pulled up to the huge tile circular driveway in front of the home. It was a Spanish influenced designed, the walls being a light cream colored stucco, with the orange slate tile roof. The front drive was lined with huge palm trees, the landscaping was impeccable. We got out and walked to the huge double doored entrance, Amanda had a key ready.
As we walked from room to room it the huge home, it just kept getting better and better. The house had six bedrooms and six bathrooms, a total of over seven thousand square feet. It was set on a 1.5 acre lot that included a huge swimming pool with a waterfall, a large spa, a five hundred bottle climate controlled wine cellar and a gourmet kitchen with restaurant rated appliances. In addition the backyard had a sunken circular seating area and a firepit that faced the ocean. The entire back of the home was glass windows that looked out to the ocean. The climate control unit in the wine cellar needed to be replaced as well as one of the three central air conditioners. The spa pump was bad as well, but other than that the property was immaculate.
"How much Amanda ?", I asked.
She opened her folder, scanning the paper work carefully, a smile crossing her face.
"The bank has 2.4 million in it, they are asking 1.9 million as is.", she replied.
"What do you think ?", I inquired.
"I think it’s a steal. The average cost in this area is three million plus. You will make at least five to six hundred thousand the day you sign the papers.", she answered.
"Well, I like it alot, but I would like Alexis to see it.", I told her.
"Brian, you can’t wait, I can’t be sure they didn’t leak this property to anyone else, lets at least put in an offer, see what they say. As long as I make an offer, you have the house under contract, they can’t sell it out from under you.", she urged.
I looked around one final time, I couldn’t pass this up. Never in my wildest dreams growing up did I ever imagine I would live in a home like this.
"Let’s do it.", I responded.
As drove back to Amanda’s office, she called her contact at the bank, she wanted to leave no stone unturned. Of course the commission she was going to earn was substantial, somewhere close to six figures if I figured right.
"Tracey, this is Amanda from ERT. My client and I just looked at the property in Rancho Sante Fe, you called me this morning about. We will be making an offer as soon as we get back to my office.", she stated.
She listened to the other party for several minutes then laughed quietly into the phone.
"Trust me, he’s good for it.", she said hanging up.
We arrived back at her office and based completely on her advice, I made an offer of 1.75 million cash. As I was told, by offering cash, I would cut down delays on financing, a ton of paperwork, inticing the bank to act quickly. I could always go back and mortgage the property once I owned it, if I chose to do so. Amanda assured me, she would call me as soon as she heard anything back from the bank.
I decided to drive over to PSA and tell Alexis the good news, it was still fairly early in the morning. I was greeted warmly at PSA, then shown up to Alexis’ office. She was wrapping up a meeting, her secretary brought me a soft drink while I waited. I had no sooner leaned back in the large chair when my cell phone rang.
"Brian, it’s Amanda. They countered with 1.85 million, it’s their bottom line, I suggest you take it.", she urged.
Just about that time, Alexis came walking into the office, a stack of manilla folders in her hand. I could tell from the smile on her face, she was delighted to see me.
"Ok Amanda, do it.", I said, hanging up.
"What’s going on baby ?’, she asked, kissing me softly on the lips.
"Well I guess I just bought a house.", I laughed.
"Oh my God, you’re serious. When did you see it ?", she replied, excitement in her voice.
"This morning. Amanda called me right after you left. I just came from there.", I answered.
I explained exactly what had happened to Alexis, then described the house in exact detail as I had remembered it. I could tell by her reactions, she was extremely excited.
"That’s wonderful honey, I am so happy for you.", she giggled, hugging me tight.
"Happy for us baby, you’re going to be there with me.", I answered.
She pulled back gently, her face a few inches from mine. I could see the tears forming in her eyes, I was not really sure why. It took her a moment to respond, but she finally did, even though she was extremely emotional.
"I can’t believe all this is happening, it’s like a fairy tale. I keep thinking I am going to wake up and this is all a dream.", she whispered.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:
Within minutes it was obvious, several people had recognized me, I saw several people whispering and pointing. After about an hour and five minute service, the pastor dismissed everyone, the crowd slowly made it’s way through the double doors. The pastor had situated himself at the door of the church, so he could greet the congregation as they exited the church. Both Alexis and I were following her mother through the doors, the pastor greeted her with a smile.
"Good morning Mai, how are you today ?", he asked with a smile and a soft handshake.
"Father, do you remember my daughter Alexis ?", she asked.
"Oh my, she was barely a teenager when I last saw her, what a beautiful young woman you have become.", he told Alexis, shaking her hand as well.
"Thank you Father, this is my friend Brian Stevens, we are in town visiting my mother.", she answered, introducing me.
The pastor looked up at me, he was a relatively short man, a bit over weight. He extended his hand to mine, then looked up at me.
"You’re not the Brian Stevens who plays for San Diego are you ?", he asked.
"Yes sir, I am.", I answered.
"Oh my goodness, what a pleasure it is to meet you. You had an incredible game in the Superbowl, I’m a huge fan.", he responded.
"Thank you Father.", I replied.
As we walked towards my car in the parking lot, I couldn’t help but notice Alexis’ mother, walking hand in hand with her daughter. Even though a few hours distanced them on a daily basis, they were very close. Before I could get in the car, several people came over asking for an autograph. Josh had told me once, I think it was on the first day of training camp, even though it can be tedious at times, people following you asking for an autograph or picture, one day they will stop. And as hard as it is to believe, you will miss the attention, so enjoy it now. I signed several articles including the church bulletin, which was a first for me.
We made our way back to Alexis’ mother’s home, changed clothes and were trying to decide on what to get for lunch. Mai suggested fried chicken from the fast food chain just down the road, it didn’t matter to me. I got up to get my keys, but Mai grabbed me by the arm then told me to stay, Alexis could go get the food. I could tell her request surprised Alexis as much as it did me.
"Mom, what are you up to ?", Alexis asked.
"Nothing, you go. I talk to Brian.", she requested, waving her hand towards the door.
I handed Alexis some money, she reluctantly headed thru the front door, looking over her shoulder. The car had no sooner left the drive, when her mother made her inrtentions known.
"Brian, you like Alexis very much, yes ?", she asked, taking my hand in hers.
"Yes ma’am, I do.", I answered.
"I know she like you too, she talk about you all the time. She tell me how wonderful you are, make her feel special all the time. For a long time she was very different, not very happy. She try to hide from me, but I know, not hard to see when your child in pain. But since she meet you, everything different.", she started.
"Something happen to her at school, she not think I know, I find out from teacher. Man hurt her very bad, but she no tell me. She very sad all the time, only study and play ball. But now you give me daughter back, I thank you.", she ended.
"She’s a very special lady, Miss Mai. She means the world to me.", I answered.
"Did you tell her that, tell her you love her ?’", she asked, squeezing my hand.
"No, not yet.", I confessed, "I am afraid that maybe she doesn’t feel the same way, or that maybe she thinks I am moving too fast.", I replied.
"You tell her very soon, yes ?", she inquired.
"Yes ma’am I will.", I promised.
We were still talking as Alexis pulled back into the driveway, her mother got up and went back to her chair. I got up, opened the door for Alexis as she brought the food inside. She looked over at her mother, then back at me.
"What have you two been up to ?", she asked.
"Nothing, just talk.", replied Mai, "Bring food into kitchen."
We followed Mai to the kitchen, the subject was closed for now. We spent several more hours with her mother, finally packing up and heading back home around three o’clock in the afternoon. We were barely on the freeway when Alexis began her interrogation.
"Ok, spill it buddy. What was that all about ?", she asked.
"All what ?", I asked, trying to be nonchalant.
"You know what. What did my mother tell you ?", she demanded.
"Oh, she just wanted to be sure I was treating you right.", I answered.
"Bullshit, tell me the truth.", she laughed.
"I am telling you the truth, she was just curious about us. Moms are like that.", I argued.
"Uh huh.", she said, I knew she wasn’t buying it.
We were back at the complex, shortly before seven o’clock, I took the luggage upstairs then went to my place to unpack. Several minutes later, Alexis knocked on the door, then walked in.
"Hey, I had a message on my machine from Jessica, she lost your number. She wants to talk to you.", she told me, handing me the number on a small piece of paper.
I dialed the number without thinking about the time change, I could tell I woke Jessica up.
"Hello.", she replied, still half asleep.
"Jess, this is Brian Stevens, I’m so sorry, I forgot about the time difference.", I apologized.
"Oh Brian, it’s ok, I’m glad you called. I wanted to give you the heads up, I will be coming back in about three months. I wanted to give you enough time to find a place.", she informed me.
"Oh, ok. Thanks Jess, I will start looking right away. I will let you know when I find something, I will try to time my move with yours if that’s ok ?", I answered.
"That would be great Brian, thanks so much.", she replied, hanging up.
I closed my phone and tossed it on the sofa, then dropped into the chair behind me.
"Well, I have to find a place to stay, she is coming back in about ninety days.", I told Alexis.
"Oh really, I thought she would be gone a lot longer.", she answered.
"I’ll call Cindy tomorrow, see if she knows any real estate people she can hook me up with.", I said.
I could see Alexis was uneasy about something, I wasn’t sure exactly what it was. I was guessing it might be that we wouldn’t be so close together anymore, this was an ideal situation. She sat down on the sofa next to me, it was like she was trying to think of something to say.
"What’s wrong Alexis ?", I asked.
"Uh…nothing, I just figured it would still be awhile before she came back.", she replied.
"Well, I knew it was coming, it’s no big deal. I have the time now to start looking around.", I offered.
"You uh….want another condo, an apartment, maybe a house ?", she inquired.
"I’m not positive, but I think I might like a house.", I told her.
We watched a bit of TV, then around nine o’clock, Alexis told me she was tired, she kissed me goodnight and went home to bed. I was sort of surprised, I was hoping we would sleep together, it had been quite a while since I had held her close. I tried not to appear too disappointed, although I’m not sure I succeeded.
The following morning, I woke up about nine o’clock, showered and dressed. I called Cindy Taylor over at PSA, asking if she knew of a realtor, I could use to find a new home. She told me she had a very good friend in the business, she would call her and give her my number. I thanked her and hung up. It was strange, this being a Monday and I had no place to go. It was less than thirty minutes later when my cell phone rang.
"Mr. Stevens, this is Amanda Mansfield, I’m with ERT Realty, Cindy Taylor asked me to give you a call. How can I help you ?", she asked.
I explained to her my situation, then listened as she went over several options. She was with one of the largest realtors in southern Californa, she had hundreds of properties listed, as well as access to thousands more. We arranged to meet at her office at two o’clock to set some parameters for the search.
I was early for my appointment, fortunately so was Ms. Mansfiled. She was an middle aged woman, impeccably dressed, extremely professional. She was the type of person who could definitely make you feel you were out of your league.
"Come in Mr. Stevens, it’s a pleasure to meet you.", she said, shaking my hand.
"Call me Brian, please.", I asked.
"Very well Brian, I’m Amanda.", she answered, sitting behind her desk.
She grabbed a huge folder from the right side of her desk, opening it and laying out several smaller folders. She explained to me that she had several directions in which we could go, condo, high end apartment, or single residence. She quickly showed me on the map which were the more desireable sections of town. I was quickly overwhelmed as I knew I would be.
"So do you have any idea on exactly what price range we are working with ?", she asked.
"I never really thought about it.", I answered.
"Well that’s going to be the key, when you know that, I can target an area.", she replied.
"I thought a lot about it, I think I would prefer a house, rather than a condo or apartment.", I offered.
"Alright, that eliminates a lot of leg work.", she responded, pushing several folders aside.
She grabbed several different folders then grabbed her keys asking me to follow her. We went out to her vehicle, a beautiful Escalade, then pulled out of the parking lot. During the next few hours, I looked at homes in Escondido, La Mesa, Pacific Beach and Oceanside. While the homes were absolutely mind boggling, so were the prices. Everything I looked at was over 3 million dollars, one exceeded four. I had no idea I was going to spend that kind of money, it was eye opening. We got back to her office around six thirty, she promised we would see more properties in a few days.
I was home watching TV when Alexis called me, it was around seven thirty. Once agin, she sounded strange, like something was bothering her, she was not her usual self. She told me she was tired, she was planning to go to bed early. What could I say, I wished her a good night’s sleep, then hung up. I was worried, something was bothering her, I made up my mind the next time we were together, I would question her about it.
Most of the following week was dull, Alexis was very busy at work, she was getting home late in the evening. On Thursday, a representative for the company who would make our Super Bowl rings, met with us, measuring the entire team and staff. We would receive our rings in three months at a special event. I got home Thursday evening, I noticed Alexis’ car was in her spot. I stopped by her unit and knocked on the door. She answered the door quickly, kissed me and let me in.
When she came back and sat down on the sofa, I was determined to get to the bottom of this.
"Alexis, please tell me what is bothering you. I promise I will do anything I can to help.", I pleaded.
She looked over at me with a weak smile, she put her hands together, then lowered her eys to her lap.
"You’re going to think I’m stupid.", she said softly.
"Alexis, I would never think you’re stupid, you know better than that.", I answered.
"Well, I wanted to……I don’t know how to ask you this. I mean, I do….I’m just not sure it’s the right thing to do.", she stammered.
"Ask me anything, I don’t mind.", I told her.
"You have to move….in a few months. I was …….wondering, if maybe… wanted to…..move in with me ?", she finally asked.
"All this is about you wanting me to move in here with you ?", I laughed.
"Please don’t make fun of me, I’m serious.", she told me.
"I’m not making fun of you Alexis, I just thought it was something worse. I was afraid of what might be bothering you, I never imagined you would ask me to move in with you.", I told her.
"Soooooo ?", she asked.
"Of course, I will move in with you. I think about you every day, every night, I can’t imagine anything I would like more.", I answered.
She jumped up and crossed the room quickly hugging me and kissing my cheek. I could see she was genuinely relieved, I’m not sure why but she was. Since I owned very little other than my clothes, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to move. Several trips back and forth, it was a done deal.
"Well, I have been looking at houses all day. If I were to buy a house, would you move in with me ?", I laughed.
"Uh…I don’t know.", she said, biting her lip.
"Wait now, why not ?", I asked, pretending to be hurt.
"Depends on what your intentions are.", she came back, a slight smile on her face.
"Well what are your intentions now, since you’re asking me to move in here ?", I shot back.
"My intentions are purely sexual.", she giggled.
"Oh I see. Well we have different intentions then, it may not work.", I told her.
Just that quickly the smile was gone, a serious look on her face. I could see I had her puzzled, which is exactly where I wanted her.
"So you don’t want to move in with me ?", she asked.
"No, I want to move in with you more than anything.", I told her.
"Then what’s the problem ?", she inquired.
"The problem is …….. I love you.", I said, softly.
I could see my words hit her like a bowling ball in the chest. Her eyes blinked rapidly several times, watering up quickly. Her mouth was slightly open, for a few seconds, she was at a loss for words.
"What did you say ?", she asked, her eyes wide and bright.
"I said, I love you. I have for quite a while now.", I stated.
She leaned over and gently pressed her lips to mine in a long , soft sensual kiss. When she was done, she pulled her lips back, just inches from mine, looked into my eyes and whispered.
"I love you too Brian."
I pulled her close to me again, once again kissing her deeply. She was an unbelievable women, I felt so lucky to be in her arms. She pulled away from me again, this time whispering in my ear.
"I want you sleep in your arms tonight, it makes me feel so safe."
"I’ll be right back.", I answered.
I walked down to my unit, grabbed some clean clothes, threw them in a bag with some personal items, then walked back to Alexis’ place.
By the time I arrived, I heard the water in the shower running. Alexis walked out of the bathroom door with just a towel wrapped around her body. She lifted her hand, summoning me over with just one finger.
"Come wash my back.", she urged softly.
I tossed the bag on the sofa then followed her into the bathroom, stripping and climbing into the shower with her. As she stood facing the hot streaming water, I moved behind her wrapping my arms around her. I leaned down kissing her neck as she tilted her head away from my lips. She placed the large bar of soap in my hand, it didn’t take me long to get the hint. I softly rubbed her body, lathering it up with the bar of soap, my hand gliding over her wet body. She turned around facing me, taking the bar of soap from my hands. Then with a tender touch, she applied the soap to my entire body, paying special attention to my cock, which was now erect in the palm of her hand. The lubrication created by the soap was wonderful, I could already feel an orgasm approaching. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers, my tongue quickly sliding into her mouth. I slid my hand between her legs, my finger easing up inside of her.
"Mmmmmmmm.", she moaned softly, my finger stroking her clit.
I pulled my lips from hers, then very slowly, I began kissing down her body, until I was on my knees. I pushed her back gently until her back was against the wall of the shower, her legs thrust slightly forward. I eased my tongue between the folds of her pussy, I could already taste her thick fluids flowing into my mouth. She reached down with both hands, coming to rest on the back of my head. The feeling was incredible, the hot steamy water soaking my head, running between her legs as my tongue greedily lapped at her pussy. I took both of my hands, extending my fingers, then softly runing all ten, up and down the front of her thighs as lightly as possible. It took just seconds before she let go, her mind no longer having control over her body.
"Oh Goddddddddddddddddd………………………", she moaned, her body shaking in ecstasy.
She held my head tightly as her hips bucked against my mouth, her pussy flooding my mouth with her liquids. She rode wave after wave of pleasure, until finally she was bent over me, my head in both of her hands.
"Oh God, wait a second…..", she panted, pushing my mouth from between her legs.
I stood up slowly in front of her, she leaned back once again on the wall of the shower. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her to me , gently kissing her lips. She reached behind her turning off the water, then the shower head. She reached over the door and grabbed the large white towel, then began to dry me off.
Soon we were in her large bed, her bodies entwined, our mouths pressed together, her hand stroking my cock. She pushed me down hard on the bed, straddling me quickly, guiding my cock to her pussy with her right hand. She lowered herself on me with one quick thrust, her eyes closing in pleasure as she felt me deep inside her womb. She leaned over me, her hands supporting her weight on the mattress.
"God, I love you Brian.", she whispered.
"I love you too.", I replied.
"I never thought I would ever trust a man as completely as I trust you. You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up, the last thing before I fall asleep. Please don’t ever let this end, I’m not sure I could go back to the woman I was before we met.", she asked.
"I will never leave you Alexis, that I promise.", I answered.
She kissed me deeply again, her tongue prying my lips apart, exploring my mouth. She began to move her hips back and forth, my cock sliding easily in and out of her warm, wet pussy. I could sense she was approaching another orgasm, I was doing my best to hold off on my own, my cock aching for release. I closed my eyes tightly, fighting off the urge, as my hand grabbed her hips firmly. She lifted her mouth from my lips, her eyes riveted to mine.
"I’m gonna cum again.", she whispered, "All over your hard cock."
"Let it go baby.", I coaxed.
She moved back and forth a few more times, then became very rigid, her second orgasm erupting from deep inside of her. Her eyes never left mine as waves of passion flowed through her body, it was almost as if I looked into her soul for several moments. She finally collapsed on my chest, panting for breath, her body still shaking. I held her gently, kissing her neck as I rubbed her back gently. She finally recovered, slowly lifting herself off of me, rolling to my left.
She moved up next to me, lowering her lips to mine for another long sensual kiss, her tongue brushing my lips. She then pulled away, her mouth inches from mine.
"I want to do something special for you, it’s just…well I have never….", she began.
"Baby, it’s ok, relax.", I whispered.
"It’s just , I feel so inadequate. I want to do a better job of making you feel good……I want to do for you what you do for me.", she said softly.
"You do, Alexis.", I answered.
She smiled weakly, then slowly moved down my body, her hand wrapping around my rock hard cock. I felt her tongue, softly swirling around the head of my cock, her warm breath on my thighs. She ran her tongue up and down my cock, her hand gently massaging my balls. She took me deep into her mouth, her tongue constantly caressing my shaft, as her mouth moved up and down slowly. I reached down and ran my fingers through her long silky black hair, gently showing my gratitude. I knew I was on the verge of cumming, I wanted to warn Alexis.
"Baby, watch it, I’m gonna cum…", I warned.
She moved her mouth off off my cock, her tongue licking the head gently, as her hand pumped me up and down. I looked down as the first load of cum erupted from my cock, coating Alexis’ tongue and lips. She continued to flick her tongue over the head of my cock as four more jets of cum were deposited all over her mouth. The sensation was absolutely incredible, as was the visual sight of this gorgeous woman with my cum all over her lips. She continued to pump my shaft, milking what was left of my cum all over her fist. I fell back exhausted, my cock still throbbing in her soft hand. She moved back up to me, laying her head on my chest, her hand still softly stroking my shrinking cock.
"God baby, that was incredible.", I whispered.
I spent every waking minute I could with Alexis over the next few weeks. It seemed every day, I fell deeper and deeper into love with this gorgeous creature. We would get up every morning at five o’clock, drive to the gym for a hour and a half workout together, then stop for coffee on the way home. She would then shower and change, leaving for work around eight thirty in the morning. I spent the day running errands, looking for a new house or working for the foundation. Alexis had just left for work on Friday morning when my cell phone rang, it was from ERT realty.
"Hi Brian, this is Amanda from ERT, how are you today ?", she asked.
"I’m fine Amanda and you ?"
"Doing well, look I have a really great opportunity that just came up, if you’re interested. One of the huge banks I work with has a property they are willing to do a short sale on. I’m getting first crack because they owe me a favor. They are going to list it in three days, unless I can close it.", she stated.
"Have you seen it yet.", I asked.
"No, I haven’t but it’s in Rancho Sante Fe, which is very exclusive. From what I was told, it has a few very minor repairs that are needed, but it’s at least five hundred thousand under the market price.", she added.
"Ok, let’s go look at it.", I replied.
"Great, I will meet you at my office in an hour. If you like this we need to jump on it.", she urged.
I met Amanda at her office, we then drove out to the property. As soon as we arrived in the area there was no doubt this was high end living. I was totally blown away as we pulled up to the huge tile circular driveway in front of the home. It was a Spanish influenced designed, the walls being a light cream colored stucco, with the orange slate tile roof. The front drive was lined with huge palm trees, the landscaping was impeccable. We got out and walked to the huge double doored entrance, Amanda had a key ready.
As we walked from room to room it the huge home, it just kept getting better and better. The house had six bedrooms and six bathrooms, a total of over seven thousand square feet. It was set on a 1.5 acre lot that included a huge swimming pool with a waterfall, a large spa, a five hundred bottle climate controlled wine cellar and a gourmet kitchen with restaurant rated appliances. In addition the backyard had a sunken circular seating area and a firepit that faced the ocean. The entire back of the home was glass windows that looked out to the ocean. The climate control unit in the wine cellar needed to be replaced as well as one of the three central air conditioners. The spa pump was bad as well, but other than that the property was immaculate.
"How much Amanda ?", I asked.
She opened her folder, scanning the paper work carefully, a smile crossing her face.
"The bank has 2.4 million in it, they are asking 1.9 million as is.", she replied.
"What do you think ?", I inquired.
"I think it’s a steal. The average cost in this area is three million plus. You will make at least five to six hundred thousand the day you sign the papers.", she answered.
"Well, I like it alot, but I would like Alexis to see it.", I told her.
"Brian, you can’t wait, I can’t be sure they didn’t leak this property to anyone else, lets at least put in an offer, see what they say. As long as I make an offer, you have the house under contract, they can’t sell it out from under you.", she urged.
I looked around one final time, I couldn’t pass this up. Never in my wildest dreams growing up did I ever imagine I would live in a home like this.
"Let’s do it.", I responded.
As drove back to Amanda’s office, she called her contact at the bank, she wanted to leave no stone unturned. Of course the commission she was going to earn was substantial, somewhere close to six figures if I figured right.
"Tracey, this is Amanda from ERT. My client and I just looked at the property in Rancho Sante Fe, you called me this morning about. We will be making an offer as soon as we get back to my office.", she stated.
She listened to the other party for several minutes then laughed quietly into the phone.
"Trust me, he’s good for it.", she said hanging up.
We arrived back at her office and based completely on her advice, I made an offer of 1.75 million cash. As I was told, by offering cash, I would cut down delays on financing, a ton of paperwork, inticing the bank to act quickly. I could always go back and mortgage the property once I owned it, if I chose to do so. Amanda assured me, she would call me as soon as she heard anything back from the bank.
I decided to drive over to PSA and tell Alexis the good news, it was still fairly early in the morning. I was greeted warmly at PSA, then shown up to Alexis’ office. She was wrapping up a meeting, her secretary brought me a soft drink while I waited. I had no sooner leaned back in the large chair when my cell phone rang.
"Brian, it’s Amanda. They countered with 1.85 million, it’s their bottom line, I suggest you take it.", she urged.
Just about that time, Alexis came walking into the office, a stack of manilla folders in her hand. I could tell from the smile on her face, she was delighted to see me.
"Ok Amanda, do it.", I said, hanging up.
"What’s going on baby ?’, she asked, kissing me softly on the lips.
"Well I guess I just bought a house.", I laughed.
"Oh my God, you’re serious. When did you see it ?", she replied, excitement in her voice.
"This morning. Amanda called me right after you left. I just came from there.", I answered.
I explained exactly what had happened to Alexis, then described the house in exact detail as I had remembered it. I could tell by her reactions, she was extremely excited.
"That’s wonderful honey, I am so happy for you.", she giggled, hugging me tight.
"Happy for us baby, you’re going to be there with me.", I answered.
She pulled back gently, her face a few inches from mine. I could see the tears forming in her eyes, I was not really sure why. It took her a moment to respond, but she finally did, even though she was extremely emotional.
"I can’t believe all this is happening, it’s like a fairy tale. I keep thinking I am going to wake up and this is all a dream.", she whispered.
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